Friday, April 8, 2011

Hey folks, just realized there was no link for Plasticine Tropics on here (Myles' new music blog). Awesome stuff that you are almost guaranteed to have never heard before, be sure and check it out.

In Gunk news I'm currently working on a new post about the Obscene Extreme Fest in the Czech Republic, the home of all things grindy. So look forward to a few tidbits on Discarga, Putrid Pile, Jesus Crost and the like.

Self-promoting side-note: the band I am currently playing in (Carrion Wyrm) is getting ready to record on Saturday, so there'll be info on that.

"I've often thought that there should be beauty contests for the insides of bodies."


  1. thanks David! Looking forward to yer wreckordings.

  2. Love and Respect David "Gunk" Selg
    Respond at
    Socially somewhere Left of the dead
    Paul Wellstone
    BUT THE Byrds the Word
    Straight Up 3-30-2020 Peacock
