Their first album Z Vyšší Vůle (From Higher Will, 2000, Earache Records/Elitist Records) has pretty standard early-grind production and instrumentation largely based around sporadic riffs, with the occasional groove. The followup, Pod Vládou Biče (Under the Rein of the Whip, 2002, Self-released) has a much more dynamic feel, pushing chromatic song schemes and allowing instances of 4/4 time.
"Neštěstí" from Z Vyšší Vůle.
"Homokaz Aneb Blátivá je Massa" from Pod Vládou Biče
Řád a Trest (Order and Punishment) shows the band in a much more mature light. Released a full 10 years after their first EP Vy kusy mrdacího masa (You Pieces of Fucking Flesh), the record exhibits the group's choice to embrace melody and groove completely, seamlessly integrating the new elements with their old lo-fi noise style. The bass also has a stronger presence, at moments sounding almost reminiscent of Tony Choy's role in Atheist's Elements.
Unfortunately, Earache Records ran into financial problems around 2005 and dropped !T.O.O.H.! right before the release of Řád a Trest and the group disbanded in the aftermath. To add insult to injury, Earache let the album go out of print a mere two months after its release.
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